Prenatal Hand Expression:

What Every Expectant Mother Needs
to Know Before Baby Arrives

Written by: Nicole Salter, RN, IBCLC

What is Prenatal Hand Expression?

Prenatal hand expression is a technique that allows expectant mothers to start expressing colostrum, the nutrient-rich early milk, before their baby arrives. The technique involves using gentle massage and pressure to stimulate the breasts, which can help to increase milk supply and prepare the breasts for breastfeeding.

Why You Want to Learn About Prenatal Hand Expression?

Learning about prenatal hand expression can have several benefits.
Having expressed colostrum ready and available for your baby if needed in the early hours and days after birth can sometimes save him or her from needing other forms of supplementation.
Mothers with a history of C-section delivery, diabetes, or other risk factors for low glucose or separation due to a NICU admission are especially interested in collecting colostrum in pregnancy for their babies.
In the early postpartum period, hand expression can help relieve breast engorgement and blocked milk ducts, which can be painful and uncomfortable.

Learning about and practicing prenatal hand expression can help mothers become more comfortable with their bodies, help to build confidence and reduce anxiety around their ability to breastfeed.

When Should Expectant Mothers Start Seeing a Lactation Consultant?

While prenatal hand expression can be an essential tool for successful breastfeeding, it's important to remember that every woman's body is unique. It's a good idea for expectant mothers to start seeing a lactation consultant before their baby arrives to ensure that they receive personalized support and guidance tailored to their individual needs and goals.

At Thrive Lactation & Wellness, we recommend meeting with a consultant between weeks 35-37 to establish care, learn this valuable technique and confidently prepare for their breastfeeding journey before baby arrives.

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