Soothing Relief

How Therapeutic Ultrasound Can
Clear Blocked Milk Ducts

Written by: Nicole Salter, RN, IBCLC

Blocked milk ducts can be frustrating for both mother and baby.
They can slow or stop milk flow entirely from the affected duct, cause discomfort or pain, and may lead to mastitis.
Fortunately, therapeutic breast ultrasound is a soothing, effective, and non-invasive option for resolving them.

What are Blocked Milk Ducts?
Blocked (plugged/clogged) milk ducts occur when inflammation prevents milk from flowing freely, resulting in a blockage.
This blockage can cause the breast tissue to become swollen and tender.
Blocked milk ducts are a common occurrence among breastfeeding mothers.
They can happen for various reasons, such as ineffective latching, changes in feeding or pumping routine, pressure on the breast, fatigue, stress, or wearing tight/restrictive clothing/bra.
You may notice a hard lump in the breast, feel its' edges with engorgement surrounding it, and letdown may be uncomfortable.
Most blocked ducts resolve within 24-48 hours, but some can persist.

How Does Therapeutic Breast Ultrasound Work?
Therapeutic breast ultrasound has been studied and shown to be an effective, non-invasive, and soothing treatment for blocked milk ducts.
The ultrasound is silent but generates high-frequency sound waves to break up the blockage and increase blood flow deep in the breast tissue, reducing inflammation, pressure, and pain. Therapeutic ultrasound promotes soft tissue healing, allowing milk to flow more freely.

What to expect.
Therapeutic breast ultrasound sessions are soothing, quick and convenient, typically lasting 15-30 minutes.
It is ideal to start treatment for blocked ducts persisting longer than 24-48 hours.
We suggest breastfeeding or pumping following a treatment.
You may notice an immediate improvement in comfort and flow from the affected breast.
Support from a Lactation Consultant can be helpful in identifying latch issues that may be causing the occurrence of blocked milk ducts.
One therapeutic ultrasound session daily for 2-3 days typically resolves the blockage and may reduce the risk of recurrence.

Schedule a Therapeutic Breast Ultrasound treatment session here.

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